Magic is a wonderful hobby. I have selected superb magic tricks, most of which can be performed with simple everyday objects. Once learned, you will be able to mystify and entertain no matter where you are. Read and follow the illustrated instructions carefully and regularly practice and rehearse the tricks until you feel completely confident - then get ready to baffle, bewilder and amaze! But remember our magicians code and NEVER REVEAL YOUR SECRETS! Have Fun! If you want latest easy magic trick subscribe now!
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Money Telepathy

Effect: While you are out of the room, a coin is hidden under a cup. When you return, you announce the value of the hidden coin.

Secret: A secret accomplice is used. It is your accomplice who actually places the cup over the coin. He places the cup down in such a way that the position of the handle tells you the value of the hidden coin as shown in the illustration. Before doing this trick, you must agree with your accomplice which handle position will be at the 12 o'clock position or you may read the signal upside down and that could prove disastrous! This trick can of course be performed using any currency.

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