Magic is a wonderful hobby. I have selected superb magic tricks, most of which can be performed with simple everyday objects. Once learned, you will be able to mystify and entertain no matter where you are. Read and follow the illustrated instructions carefully and regularly practice and rehearse the tricks until you feel completely confident - then get ready to baffle, bewilder and amaze! But remember our magicians code and NEVER REVEAL YOUR SECRETS! Have Fun! If you want latest easy magic trick subscribe now!
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David Copperfield: Turning a Fake Goose to Real Goose

During his Dream Portal stage show David Copperfield uses a funny fake-goose slow-motion routine for comedic effect. After the comedy bit, he places the fake goose into an empty old wooden bucket that has two lids on top. A few seconds later he pulls the goose back out - but now the fake goose has turned into a real live goose.

Copperfield uses a special bucket that has a wall in the middle, separating the space under the LEFT lid from the space under the RIGHT lid. When Copperfield asks a volunteer from the audience to check the bucket, he opens the LEFT lid and holds the bucket in a manner that forces the volunteer to run his hand along the inner LEFT wall of the bucket. The volunteer confirms that the bucket appears to be empty... but in reality his hand never touches the inner RIGHT side - or the wall in the middle of the bucket. Copperfield asks the volunteer to hold the "empty" bucket. Then he opens the LEFT lid again and places the fake goose in the LEFT compartment of the bucket. A few seconds later, he opens the RIGHT lid, and pulls out a real goose. The real goose had been hidden in the RIGHT compartment of the bucket all along.

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