Magic is a wonderful hobby. I have selected superb magic tricks, most of which can be performed with simple everyday objects. Once learned, you will be able to mystify and entertain no matter where you are. Read and follow the illustrated instructions carefully and regularly practice and rehearse the tricks until you feel completely confident - then get ready to baffle, bewilder and amaze! But remember our magicians code and NEVER REVEAL YOUR SECRETS! Have Fun! If you want latest easy magic trick subscribe now!
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Indestructible Handkerchief

Effect: A large safety pin is pulled through a handkerchief without tearing it.

Secret: Ask someone to hold a handkerchief out taut. Push a safety pin through the material, near the edge of the handkerchief. Hold the pin by the tail end and turn it towards yourself. Now pull the pin to the right. When you stop, push the pin forward so it goes back through the material. You have moved the pin from one place to another without tearing the handkerchief. What actually happens is that the material runs between the bar and the head of the pin.

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