Magic is a wonderful hobby. I have selected superb magic tricks, most of which can be performed with simple everyday objects. Once learned, you will be able to mystify and entertain no matter where you are. Read and follow the illustrated instructions carefully and regularly practice and rehearse the tricks until you feel completely confident - then get ready to baffle, bewilder and amaze! But remember our magicians code and NEVER REVEAL YOUR SECRETS! Have Fun! If you want latest easy magic trick subscribe now!
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Indestructible String

Effect: A string is threaded through a drinking straw. The straw is cut in two but the string remains unharmed.

Secret: Secretly cut a short slit in the straw. Thread the string through the straw. Bend the straw in half and pull both ends of the string. This forces the string through the slit in the straw. Your hand hides this from the audience. Cut through the straw, as shown by the dotted line in the drawing. Now pull the string from your hand. The straw is in two pieces but the string is still whole.

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